During the last MCRC meeting I made the motion: “I move that the Chair appoint a Special Committee of 3 members to propose a set of standing rules to govern public (Republican PC) comment at EGC Meetings, and report at our next meeting.” which by unanimous vote created a committee which reported to the board on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, the committee did not complete the assigned task, but instead created an entire page on why allowing 10 minutes of public comment from PCs was a bad idea. Read that report here: https://cloud.operationtulip.com/s/bRKNLyZN6TG7nxk

The report calls it “a total waste of time”. Despite a prior unanimous vote, The Board and LD Chairs then voted to not allow any public PC comment. Is this another attempt to silence the voice of the PC?

We also learned that the Arizona Election Protection Team is seeking 2,000 volunteers in Maricopa County, but not for monitoring drop boxes/post office boxes or anything else related to election integrity; instead focusing on stuffing post cards and registering voters.

This is concerning given a new Rasmussen Poll showing that All U.S. Likely Voters list Election Integrity as the #2 issue with 83% concerned and 61% very concerned. View that here: https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1534248911401107456