Response to Dan Farley’s Lies and False Accusations as seen in Today’s Republican Briefs.

Apparently, Dan Farley is living in a fantasy world. “Raft of censures”? There has been one censure; ONE, which Brian Ference proposed to the Maricopa County Republican Committee EGC, namely the one of Stephen Richer. Please list the other censures the EGC have even voted on. Oh, you don’t have a list because there isn’t one? That’s what I thought. Does anyone believe these nonsensical lies?

If Dan is so against the censure of Stephen Richer, why did he choose to abstain instead of vote no? Perhaps Dan lacks the courage needed to save the Republic.

Other censures in LDs are entirely separate and written and motioned by other PCs.

Comments like yours and the general arrogance and establishment approach are exactly why this country is being destroyed.

Unite behind stopping Election Fraud, Saving America, and Supporting America First Maga Candidates (rather than splitting the vote and guaranteeing a democrat/communist candidate win, such as Dan would have done with his LD4 Golden Ticket by listing 2 PVUSD Schoolboard RINOs – one of whom is a huge Red for Ed supporter and the other running on a Democrat slate; before Dan was called out by other conservative candidates and PCs in his own district). The word is that Dan’s own LD4 PCS may propose censures of these two candidates. And Dan talks about his history in school board activism, what a joke!

If anyone doubts this, I have the receipts they are posted at the bottom of this post.

And before we add more to the fantasy world, I had nothing to do with the PVUSD debacle.

There are many weak Republicans that have done little to nothing to fight against democrats, yet fight like hellcats against America First, MAGA Republicans. The New Republican Party is uniting behind fighters. The old ways are done.

Feel free to share this message far and wide.

Here are the receipts: